Friday, October 22, 2010


One more month just south of Austin and we are moving to yet, another house.  Sometime I wonder if we will ever stay put.  Since my husband and I have been living together, we have moved 5 times in six years. Only one house did we stay in 2 years.

They are either not big enough, or the neighborhood became less than desirable, or we needed to downgrade to save money.  Only once did we move to another town (when we moved to Austin last year). Now our reason is that we live too far south of Austin.  Too far from work and too far from school.

I don't mind moving so much.  Packing and unpacking makes me want to pull my hair out, but I like the "fresh start" and new areas.

We hope to be able to build again, in the next 2-3 years. Once Abel starts working full time again.  Then I think we will be happy to stay put for a while.  We'll see. For now, house hunting has begun and we will be moved by the end of November.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Just Too Much

So being queen of the budget in my home, I have come to the conclusion that I need to look for alternative childcare for the boys.  I have them in a nice place two days a week while Abel is in school and it is breaking the bank and stressing me out beyond belief.

We initially put them there because we thought they had a private kindergarten program for Nicholas who missed the public school deadline of Sept. 1st.  Once enrolled we found out that was not the case and it was just your standard Pre-K curriculum.  While he enjoys the interaction, he is not learning anything he doesn't already know and they can't take him aside and teach him more advanced things than the other kids.  I think we are going to go back to in home daycare and hope that Nicholas will test into the 1st grade next year.

It really sucks that childcare can be as much as a mortgage.  If the government really wanted a good stimulus for the economy they should foot the bill for childcare and free up $1000 a month or more.

Since they only go two days a week we are going to employ grandma until we can figure out some other arrangements. I've talked to Nicholas and he doesn't seem that disappointed.  I think he is pretty bored there since he already knows everything they're teaching him.

Just another bump in the road.  It won't be the last.